.. / Financial Scheme Supports
Financial Scheme Supports
Need assistance for supporting Energy Audit cost?
Need capital investment for the implementation of Saving Energy solutions?
Need capital investment in energy efficiency technology transfer?
Naluxa would like to offer the consultancy for enterprise to approach funds or supporting programs related to energy saving from the State or from the international sources:
- + Funds from State support: Ministry of Trade and Industry MOIT), Department of Trade and Industry (DOIT) of provincial levels will support partly businesses for the cost of energy audit or investment loan to carry out the implementation of solutions for energy savings .
- + Capital from foreign assistance: ADB, IFC, EEP-MEKONG, IPP, USAID, SIDA, NEDO
- + Investment capital from the Energy Service Company (ESCO): investment support implementation of Energy Efficiency solution and share the cost savings.